Twice-a-day delivery
If you are based within about a fifty kilometre radius from a Flauraud shop, you will definitely be able to benefit from our twice-a-day delivery service.
Place your order by phone or via Mecasystems at the nearest Flauraud retail outlet warehouse to you, and we will be able to deliver to you up to two times a day. Flauraud’s delivery services perfectly fit your needs to ensure highest possible availability of pieces.
We know that the satisfaction of your driver customer base as well as your level of productivity depend on the fastest possible intervention times. This is why Flauraud works day in, day out, to make the right piece available to you at the right time.
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2018 Inotech Salon
The Inotech Salon, Flauraud’s automotive aftermarket salon, took place on 26th and 27th October at the Grande Halle d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (63) with more than 2,000 visitors. The Inotech […]
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