Side windows from Flauraud
Our side windows come in laminated and toughened glass, available now from Flauraud, the spare parts distributor for tradespeople.
Accidents, incidents, vandalism: window damage can be more or less consequential, ranging from scratches, chips and cracks to being completely shattered. It’s vital to deal with the problem early to prevent extensive damage that would require fully replacing the window. When customers come to your garage for a separate issue, inform them about the state of their side windows and the risks involved. If it is already too late, Flauraud also supplies an adhesive film to protect cracked windows.

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Find the side windows that you’re looking for at Flauraud. Place your orders via Mecasystems; log in or create an account for delivery between 24 and 48 hours through our many industry partners.
2018 Inotech Salon
The Inotech Salon, Flauraud’s automotive aftermarket salon, took place on 26th and 27th October at the Grande Halle d’Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand (63) with more than 2,000 visitors. The Inotech […]
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